须菩提。于意云何。汝等勿谓如来作是念。我当度众生。须菩提。莫作是念。何以故。实无有众生如来度者。若有众生如来度者。如来则有我人众生寿者。 须菩提。如来说有我者。则非有我。而凡夫之人。以为有我。须菩提。凡夫者。如来说即非凡夫。是名凡夫。 ——金刚般若波罗蜜经 “Subhuti, what do you think? Do you say that the tathagata composes this thought: ‘I shall save the sentient beings’? Subhuti, do not compose that thought. What is the reason? Really, there are no sentient beings the Tathagata saves. If there were beings the Tathagata saved, the Tathagata then would have a self, a personage, beings, and a soul. Subhuti, the Tathagata has explained that an existent self is then not a self. Mortal men regard their persons as being a self. Subhuti, mortal men, the Tathagata has explained, then, are not mortal men. They are called ‘ mortal men’.” “须菩提,你怎么看?你是说如来有‘我要度众生’的念头吗? 须菩提,不要再生此念。什么原因?事实上,没有众生是如来度的。如果有,如来就会有自我、角色、存有、灵魂。 须菩提,如来已经解释了存在的自我就不是自我。凡人把他们的人身看成自我。须菩提,凡人,如来解释过,不是凡人。他们被称为‘凡人’。” 渡厄喝道:「咄!空固是空,圓亦是空,我相人相,好不懵懂!」 謝遜一怔,登時領悟:什麼師父弟子輩分法名,於佛家盡屬虛幻,便說偈道:「師父是空,弟子是空,無罪無業,無德無功!」 渡厄哈哈笑道:「善哉!善哉!你歸我門下,...