
目前顯示的是 10月, 2019的文章

Handmade Lithography by Andong Wang

Lithography is a method of printing originally based on the immiscibility of oil and water. The printing is from a stone or a metal plate with a smooth surface. It was invented in 1796 by German author and actor Alois Senefelder as a cheap method of publishing theatrical works. Andong Wang graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1984 and Concordia University (MFA) in 1993. He is a member of the Society of Canadian Artists, an international member of the Portrait Society of America and the chairman of Sino-Montreal Visual Arts Research Association. His two masterpieces, “the eternal smiling ” and “unforgettable”, were selected honorably in the album “Diana in art” which the British Royal family collected in 2007. His work “Portrait of Pope John Paul II” was selected respectably as the only iconic poster on “Canadian International Family Festival “(1994), and printed worldwide into various form of images. His work has been regularly participated in the “International visual

The Opening Event of Loongese

New Opening, New Look, and New Experience On October 19, 2019, a beautiful autumn afternoon, nearly 40 artists, painters, musicians, and other guests gathered to celebrate the new opening of Loongese, a new gallery and art space located in Galeries Laval and dedicated for tea, paintings and artworks. From 14h to 17h, the opening event lasted for around 3 hours and attracted around 40 people from various disciplines. The first artists who have demonstrated their artworks in the new space have obtained much attention. Burt Brunet, who used to be a musician and now a painter, exhibits ten of his paintings focused on animals in the new gallery. The attenders appreciated his colorful style and the powers and energies conveyed through the animals’ colors, figures and eyes. Orlin Stoyanov, originally from Bulgaria but established in Canada since 2004, has been passionate about ceramics for many years. From the ceramics works he exhibits in Loongese, he shows that “the practice of ceramics is

Paintings of Burt

From an early age (13 years) his artist’s soul was manifested through music. At the age of 14 he entered the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal, where he studied classical high trumpet for 5 years. He continued his career as a musician through several bands in parallel with his profession as a postman. Finishing in Piedmont in the Laurentians, he took a painting class in St-Sauveur where his artist’s soul is now expressed through the colorful notes of his paintings. Now available at Loongese, Galeries Laval

Ceramic Arts of Orlin

Originally from Bulgaria but established in Canada since 2004, Orlin Stoyanov has been passionate about ceramics for many years. A pottery teacher since 2015, Orlin draws inspiration from some of the great Japanese masters as he explores the various shapes and textures while continuing to learn new techniques. The name STOI comes from the diminutive of Orlin’s last name. “Stoy” in Bulgarian means “stop”. The practice of ceramics is a time where we agree to stop and give ourselves time to create. Now available at Loongese, Galeries Laval

Ceramic Arts of Celina

Most beautiful, rigid and ancient substance on earth, stones, represents the complexities and transformations of its long life. Yet the simple forms of the beauties teach us coexistence, acceptance, patience, inner peace, memory, and humbleness Ceramic Arts of Celina are inspired by the ancient philosophy that natural stone teach us. Every step of productions are thought through to create the depth. Celina Kang, a ceramic artist and interior designer. She works from functional potteries to ceramic art works and interior designs in Canada, aims for simple designs with clean lines and raw textures that inspired by natures, and passionately works to create tactile contrasts between inner and outer surfaces as a symbol of natures and human’s delicate skills and creativities. ​Celina admires ceramics as a mediator between human’s creativities and universe. Great ceramic works are always born when two elements are equally respected. Ceramics give meaningful lessons about coexistence and bala

Loongese Opening Day

Jour d’ouverture Opening day 开业日 10.10, 2019 Map


清 木板彩印钟馗 苏州桃花坞 南京博物馆藏(蜘蛛,也叫“喜珠儿”,画在钟馗上方寓意喜从天降) 千百年来,在戏曲、小说的广为流传中,钟馗早已成为家喻户晓的知名神祇,并且在岁月的变换中,也由岁末的辟邪招福之神,转变为端午驱魔招祥的人物。 | 从守护神到吉祥神 | 从文献记载,钟馗画始于唐代。相传吴道子是钟馗画的创始者,画家根据唐玄宗奇异的梦境进行艺术想像创作而成(唐玄宗封钟馗为“嫉恶状元,斩邪将军”),其形象甚为威严。自唐代以后,民间挂钟馗的风俗日益兴盛,钟馗迅速成为显赫的神祇之一。宋元以来,随着民间钟馗信仰的流行,钟馗故事不断充实,钟馗画也日益丰富,捉鬼、嫁妹、饮宴、夜猎、出游等重要场面均有生动的表现,从而为明代钟馗戏曲的发展提供了丰实的形象基础。 《钟馗赛会》 选自吴友如《点石斋画报》 民间端午节会举办钟馗赛会,驱邪消灾 旧时,民间普通人家悬挂的钟馗像为木版印刷,题材十分丰富,从醉酒,到狂喜、惆怅……形象不再是原先的恐怖与威严,有时还显得十分温情。显然,随着社会的变化,民间艺人们赋予了钟馗更具有人情味的性格。 在民间钟馗图像的过程中,人们不断进行创造,钟馗头戴进士巾,身穿圆领官衣,革双足,仗剑,手指一蝠,或题“引福入堂”,或题“恨福来迟”以及“福在眼前”、“福自天来”等字句,盖借“蝠”与“福”字之音相谐近,巧成一句吉利之语。蜘蛛乃毒物之一,后也被赋予了“喜珠儿”的俗称,画在钟馗像上方,言“喜从天降”。 钟馗舞剑 王天胜 当代 此外,清代刻印的钟馗中还有钟馗右手举剑,左手抓一腰遮虎皮裙之鬼,旁刻蛇、蝎、蜈蚣、壁虎、蟾蜍,上有“消除五毒”、“驱邪降福”方印和“八卦图”者,可见清代以前除夕悬挂钟馗的风俗,已演化变成了端午节时的习俗。可见,在人们心目中,钟馗已从镇宅守舍、除邪却凶的守护神逐渐衍变出赠福的吉祥神了。这些由民间画工绘制或者拓印的画图在迎接祥瑞的同时,也蕴含着民众对政治清明、社会和顺的美好愿望。 | 寄寓画家思想情志 | 至于传统绘画,唐代吴道子是绘钟馗的第一人,曾奉诏画钟馗,所画《趋殿钟馗》、《十指钟馗》深得玄宗赞赏,并经画工摹拓镌印,流行至民间,被称为“钟馗样”。之后,钟馗已成为宫廷画师创作的重要题材之一,而且风格、面貌、样式也是多样的。 南唐周文矩擅画钟馗,北宋御府曾藏有他的七幅钟馗作品,其中有五幅《钟馗小妹图》,表明了当时的画家已不限于画钟馗捉鬼的场面,而